2003-2008 British Heart Foundation (BHF).Programme Grant: Percutaneous replacement of cardiac valves. Principal investigator: Philipp Bonhoeffer, Co-investigators: Younes Boudjemline, Sachin Khambadkone, Marc de Leval and John Deanfield. BHF Grant No. RG/03/006, R&D No. 01-CC-20
2003-2006 British Heart Foundation (BHF). Junior Fellowship: Assessment of percutaneous valve replacement with tissue Doppler imaging. Supervisori: Philipp Bonhoeffer, John Deanfiled and Denis Pellerin. BHF Grant No FS/04/008
2005-2008 British Heart Foundation (BHF). Clinical PhD Studentship: Computational structural analysis as a tool to develop valved stent applications and technology. Supervisori: Philipp Bonhoeffer, Francesco Migliavacca. BHF Grant No. FS/05/039, R&D No. 04-CC-16
2005 Medtronic Grant. Percutaneous replacement of cardiac valves – database. Investigatore principale: Philipp Bonhoeffer. Co-investigatore: Giovanni Parenzan. R&D No. 05-CC-18
2007-2008 Medtronic Grant. Right Ventricular Outflowtract Reconstruction with Magnetic resonance data. Principal investigator: Philipp Bonhoeffer. Co-Investigator: Silvia Schievano. R&D No: 07-CC-23
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Nanocomposites and electrohydrodynamic forming: the new route for the development and construction of biocompatible cardiac valves. Principal investigator: Alexander M Seifalian. Co-investigators: Philipp Bonhoeffer, M Edirisinghe, G Hamilton. EPSRC Grant No: D061555/1
British Heart Foundation (BHF) Programme Grant. Clinical Cardiovascular MR Research Centre for the Institute of Child Health and University College London. Principal investigator: John Deanfield. Co-Investigators: Andrew Taylor, Phillip Bonhoeffer, David Gadian, Marc de Leval. R&D no: 05-CC-17